Has anyone ever tried to play a video game without sound? I man the game is on and you see everything but it is completely quiet. I have had to play like this for almost a month and a half. It is completely annoying. let me tell how this all happened.
It was a nice day, I do not remember what day it was exactly but, I just got to my room and was done with classes for the day. so t I thought, I have a little time to myself let play the xbox 360 for a little bit before I start some work. It is about 6 o'clock and I am playing the championship game in fifa 13. All of a sudden I hear this fizzing noise. It sounded like someone had a really small taser and was playing with it. I did not really pay attention to it at first, I was to focused on the game. it took me a little bit to notice that it was really quiet in my room. All I can hear was the birds outside. I did win the game 3-2. I was not sure why the sounds went out. so I talked to a representative for xbox to see if they knew. Me and this person were talking for about an hour. trying thing with the xbox to see if the sound would come back on. nothing worked at all. therefore was stuck with no sound. I went and two weeks without sound on the game. The worst was trying to play Call of Duty with no sounds. You can't hear the other team around you and it messes with your reaction time. at least it messed me up completely. So I stopped playing.
It took about another two days for me to take the xbox to my girlfriends place and try it there. It worked perfectly fine. It was not the xbox. It's not dead yet, but my television cannot play the sound on the game anymore. So for now the xbox is staying in my girls place until I can figure something out with my television.